What brought you to Curry Chiropractic?

I had seen they were hiring online and went in and just thought I’d see how it went before I decided if I wanted to take the job or not. I loved everything they stood for. I thought it was a great fit so I put my notice in with my previous work and started here the next day.

What’s your favorite food?

I eat very healthy as a raw vegan so my favorites are watermelon and any kind of berry and I love a good wrap with vegetables and a good dressing. In the past it was always tacos that were my favorite.

What’s you favorite place to visit on vacation?

I love warm weather so my favorite place has been Hawaii. It would be a dream to move there! I also enjoyed Alaska. It was so pretty. I love being outside and in nature, so hiking, sightseeing and going to a beach all sound good to me. The wildlife in Alaska were so awesome to see also.

Do you have any pets?

I do! I have 3 dogs and 3 cats at the moment. I have a 3 year old boxer named Champ, a 1 year old Great Pyrenees named Lady, a 10 week old baby English Mastiff named Jade, and then an old, huge black cat that’s my baby named Filly; a 2 year old cat named Poppy and then now a baby kitten named Daisy. All of my animals, minus Jade and Daisy at the moment, are inside and outside as they please.


What’s your favorite pastime?

Spending time with my kids. We hike a lot, we like to camp even though we don’t get to as much as we’d like. I homeschool them also and am just loving getting this time in with them because I know it’s passing by quickly.



Dr. Curry and Dr. Nguyen are Chiropractors that practice in Petersburg, IL and Springfield IL. They practice chiropractic, acupuncture, nutritional therapy, functional medicine, and utilize many different techniques to achieve optimal health.